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All models in Rack applications extend from the abstract Model class, defined in include/models/Model.class.php. This class provides a basic implementation for CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) functionality for a single database table. It utalizes the PDO prepared statements to construct queries to help preventing SQL injections.


A Model object should never be manually created, as Rack provide a function get_model($name) in include/init.php that creates an instance of a Model object for you when need it. The following snippet demonstrates its use:

<PHP> $model = get_model('Registration'); $registrations = $model→get(); </PHP>

Basic querying & filtering

Basic queries can be executed using the functions get, create, update and delete or their by_id counterparts. The create and update functions accept a list with 'fieldname'=>'value' pairs that should be used to modify the database.

The get, update and delete functions also accept an array with filter conditions. These conditions will be appended to the query and multiple conditions will be joined with AND. In this array, filter conditions should be specified as 'fieldname__function' => $value.

Supported comparison functions are:

If the comparison function is omitted ('field' => $value), the default of eq is used.

The get function also supports custom ordering by passing a list of field names. Descending ordering can be achieved by adding a minus in front of the field name. The following example will order first by study and then by birthdate in descending ordering: ['study', '-birthdate'].
