Table of Contents

Cover Brand Identity


This guide and all designs in it were written and created by the working group corporate identity. The working group was formed at the initiative of Board XXIII and worked during '14–'15, '15–'16 and '16–'17.

This guide should be consulted and followed when representing study association Cover in any way, shape or form, whether this be digital or in press.

In the section Basics the main building blocks of the corporate identity are described. These elements are continuously used throughout the rest of the designs. In this section you can find how to use or create the basic elements and guidelines on how to include them in your own designs.

The other sections Press and Digital list a wide range of representations for which the working group has created designs, such as stationery, posters and presentation slides. Each section contains links to the templates for these representations.

This guide might not cover all forms of representation, but the most common forms in which Cover presents itself are included. If there is the need for a new form for Cover to represent itself, all guidance provided in this document should be followed and the elements described in the Basics section can be used. When using any of the elements, all rules concerning this element have to be followed. In order to assure the corporate identity stays consistent and truly covers every aspect of representation the guide should be consulted at all times.

If you have any questions concerning the corporate identity of Cover, please contact the board.

Jordi van Giezen, Martijn Luinstra, Annet Onnes, Nina Schoeber and Merel Wiersma


Download the logo here

Minimum padding of 10% of logo height
Figure 1: Minimum padding of 10% of logo height

Align to logo baseline
Figure 2: Align to logo baseline

Do not change the ratio
Figure 3: Do not change the ratio


Primary Colours

Cover Red White Black






PMS 186 C N/A N/A
CMYK 2 100 85 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
RGB 200 16 46 255 255 255 0 0 0
Hex #C8102E #FFFFFF #000000

Secondary Colours

Cover Light Grey Cover Dark Grey Cover Blue






PMS N/A N/A 2150 C
CMYK 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 70 83 39 15 13
RGB 218 218 218 102 102 102 54 116 157
Hex #DADADA #666666 #36749D


Style elements

The main style element is a curved white line, often used with Cover Red to its left and Cover Light Grey to its right.

The curve has its origin as negative space between two areas of a rectangle. It is still negative space if the areas below and above the rectangle are white. If that is not the case, the curve should still be white, losing its illusion of negative space.

A reference file for the curve can be found here. Drawing instructions can be found here, including instructions on extending the curve into bleed area.



Business cards

The template for business cards can be downloaded here.

Name badges

The template for name badges can be downloaded here.


Download the poster template here. Please note that this template is mainly to be used by the PubliciTee. Please consult them if you want to make your own posters.


Poster slides

Download the poster slide template here. Please note that this template is mainly to be used by the PubliciTee. Please consult them if you want to make your own poster slides.

Presentation slides

A presentation template and a PowerPoint theme are available here. Note that the Google Sheets template is affected by limitations of Google Sheets (Footers are not available and the font is Tahoma instead of Fira Sans).


Committee clothing

If the clothing of your committee is not a shirt or jacket, please take the above and the Basics in mind.


The sticker can be downloaded here.


v1.1.0 (current)
